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A Single Source

Peter Hanington / Jonathan Keeble
William Carver spots the Arab Spring early. He and his producer Patrick chase the story across North Africa before arriving in Egypt where the battle between the corrupt old order and the new will be both bloody and potentially definitive. Meanwhile two Eritrean brothers are desperate to make their way up from the Horn of Africa across the continent to a better life in Europe. The horrors they endure along the way test their endurance and humanity to its limit.The world is watching but its attention span is increasingly short. Carver knows the story is a complex one and difficult stories are getting harder to tell. If everyone is a reporter then who do you believe?

  • Published by Isis Publishing Ltd
  • Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
  • Genre General Fiction
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 1st June 2019
  • Duration 10 Hrs. 15 Mins.
  • ISBN 9781445080994