Britain's Favourite Birds
Stephen Moss / Stephen Moss
No other bird is quite so embedded in our culture as the robin. But how much do we really know about this bird? Then there’s the wren. On the one hand wrens are ubiquitous - they are Britain’s most common bird. Yet many people are not sure if they have ever seen a wren. With around 700000 breeding pairs the swallow is one of the most familiar birds in Britain. Whilst we only see it for half the year it plays a key part in our culture. In this captivating year-in-the-life biography Stephen Moss examines Britain’s three favourite birds.
- Published by Isis Publishing Ltd
- Fiction/Non-FictionNon Fiction
- Genre Nature
- Target Audience Adult
- Released 1st April 2021
- Duration 13 Hrs. 10 Mins.
- ISBN 9781445097640