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River of Ghosts

Peter Tonkin / Jonathan Keeble
Deep in the East China Sea the remote deep sea vessel Neptune edges through the blackness of the Ryukyu Trench. The Richard and Robin Mariner are actually 5000 metres above Neptune in the vehicle control room of Poseidon testing their company’s latest acquisition. Suddenly a distress call comes in from a trapped submarine that is running out of air. The submarine has been on news networks for the last few days as its widely publicised mission is to recover lost gold from the greatest of Kublai Khan’s huge treasure ships. But as the Mariners and their associates guide Neptune to the rescue a different darker story is uncovered. Was the submarine’s voyage simply a mask for another more sinister mission…?

  • Published by Soundings
  • Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
  • Genre Adventure
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 1st April 2010
  • Duration 08 Hrs. 59 Mins.
  • ISBN 0000000416585